Kablewala Bangladesh introduces the follow vendor option


Follow your favorite vendor only on kablewala bangladesh

Often customers prefer to deal with certain sellers they trust and want to get up-to-date information about their products. And this is what the Follow Vendor add-on allows them to do. This functionality increases the customer traffic as well as their loyalty. The add-on is created for marketplaces and multi-vendor store owners. The Follow Vendor facility allows customers to choose the vendors they want to get notifications from. Kablewala Bangladesh has come up with a smart solution that creates a way for the customers to track back which product have viewed, liked and which vendor they followed. When a vendor uploaded a new product, the user will be notified at once. They will be notified when:

  • vendor product is created
  • vendor product is back in stock
  • product review is created

All a customer should do is to click on the Follow link on the product details page or Vendor products page. Once a customer becomes a vendor follower, the notifications are sent to the customer's registered email address.

Customers will be able to track the vendors they signed up for and their news in the store account. They just need to log in, click on the Follow link and have all the data at hand.

Key Features

  • Unlimited number of followers for a vendor;
  • Follow/unfollow a vendor in a click;
  • Easy-to-use and intuitive settings;
  • The vendor news block can be added to different pages of a store;
  • Product images in the vendor news block;
  • Vendor news can be sent out according to a schedule.

What your customer will see

Product details page


Followed vendors


News from the followed vendor



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